The Central PA Chapter and its parent organization, the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, were organized to promote quality crafts in Pennsylvania. To become a member apply online on the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen web site at www.pacrafts.org.
The Central PA Chapter hosts an annual juried artisan show promoting quality crafts in Pennsylvania. Applications are available to all artisans who are members of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen. We currently do not host meetings at this time. Visit our Winter Craft Market page for more details and the application link for the event.
You must be a member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen to become a member of the Central PA Chapter. When completing the on-line application be sure to select “Central PA/State College” from the drop-down menu in the “Choose a Chapter” section of the application.
Central PA Officers:
President- Christine Stangel
Secretary- Tess Clapper
Treasurer- Jennifer Barger